
​CAI advocates for legislation protecting community self-governance and promoting civility.​ 

​Learn how CAI advocates  for and represents the  75.5​ million people living and working in America's  365,000 community associations (homeowners associations, condominiums, and housing cooperatives). 

CAI Legislative Priorities

Each year, legislation directly impacting community association operations is introduced at the federal, state and local levels. While all legislation is important and requires attention; CAI identifies trends that become priority issues. Click here to view CAI's legislative priorities for 2024.

CAI Public Policies

When an issue arises that impacts our members, CAI develops a public policy to guide volunteer advocates and staff in their efforts. Learn more about the public policies impacting community association management and governance, community association values, and community association relationships with governmental departments and agencies.

Legislative Tracking Map

CAI's Government and Public Affairs team monitors legislation and public policy impacting the community association industry on behalf of our members. The Legislative Tracking Map is a dynamic resource and is updated daily with new bills and status updates as they happen.

Community Association Law & Lawyers

Since 1994, CAI has recognized excellence in the practice of community association law through the College of Community Association Lawyers. CCAL provides professional development opportunities and resources exclusive to its members, and advances standards of professionalism in the industry. Learn more today.

CAI’s Legislative Action Committees

Legislative Action Committees work to monitor state legislation, educate lawmakers, and protect the interests of those living and working in community associations.

Take Action Today!

Visit our Action Center today to see what issues CAI is advocating for on behalf of community associations at the state and federal levelYou can easily join thousands of your industry peers in reaching out to your elected officials. Together, our voices can make a difference. 

Become a CAI Advocate

If state or federal legislation impacting your community is introduced, you can sign up to receive an advocacy alert email that includes easy ways for you to act. The more people that act, the better we can protect people living and working in community associations. 

Resources for Legislators

More than 75.5 million Americans reside in homeowners associations, condominiums, housing cooperatives, and other planned communities. Community associations – more than 365,000 nationally – share essential goals. Learn how you can help constituents in community associations.

Advocacy Resources for Members

CAI relies on the hard work of members across the country to advance legislative goals and improve the lives of the homeowners, community managers, and business partners who live and work in community associations. Check out CAI’s full suite of resources for members eager to get involved in state advocacy efforts.

CAI Political Action Committee

The CAI*PAC allows us to support candidates that advocate for well-reasoned legislation and oppose legislation creating unnecessary burdens on the governance and operation of community associations. Learn more and donate today.